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Turner Industries wins national tech award for its workflow tablet

Industrial contracting firm Turner Industries has received a 2019 Constructech Vision for Safety Award for Turner Tablet, an innovative technology system that allows crews...

Toolbox Talks: Safety is a byproduct

Ask yourself this question: If my company was thinking about adopting a Human Performance process to reduce the frequency and severity of human error,...

$32B in construction projects are lined up through 2022. Can Louisiana handle it?

A trucker’s daily bumper-to-bumper crawl on I-10 in Lake Charles and Baton Rouge has consequential impacts on commerce, to be sure, but it spotlights...

Toolbox Talks: Curse of knowledge, blind spots and other cognitive biases that impact safety

Welcome to the final part of our cognitive bias trilogy, "Cognitive Bias isn’t a thing; it’s a ton of things." Previously we discussed a hospital...

Ex-contractor illegally accesses Strategic Petroleum Reserve computers

A former Department of Energy contractor has admitted to accessing the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Office computer systems, altering and deleting files without authorization. Gary Peter...

Meeting industry safety goals requires a psychological safety net

Contrary to conventional wisdom, the up-and-coming generation of millennials might hold the key to an accident-free work environment in the industrial space. Their desire...

Toolbox Talks: Cognitive bias isn’t a thing; it’s a ton of things (Part 2)

Welcome back, or welcome if you’re just now jumping in. If you are new, or have slept since the last article, here is quick...

Toolbox Talks: Cognitive Bias isn’t a thing; it’s a ton of things (Part 1)

Not to pick on hospitals, but these things from that industry just keep popping up in the news. Last week the results of a...

28 students complete latest BASF TECH Academy

Twenty-eight area high school students completed BASF’s TECH Academy—a week-long educational and workforce development program hosted at River Parishes Community College in Gonzales. The program...

Louisiana gets Top 10 rankings in seven business and industry categories

LED FastStart was named the nation’s top state workforce training program for the 10th year in a row by Business Facilities magazine. FastStart, started by former LED...

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