Toolbox Talks: Trust me when I say ‘you can’t trust me’
Near-miss reporting is incredibly valuable to an organization. It’s a chance to learn all the same lessons that an accident or event would teach...
Toolbox Talks: What is the right ratio?
You don’t need the scientific community to tell that more positivity in your life is a good thing. Whether you’re at home or at...
Toolbox Talks: ‘Human error’ and the downing of the Ukrainian airplane
About a month ago, we published an article titled Using Safety as a Tool or a Weapon? You can read about it by following...
Toolbox Talks: Chase perfection, but embrace improvement
Years ago, our company was brought in by a large, industrial client (we’ll call them ABC) to help them improve their safety culture. ABC...
‘Seamless export’ key to south Louisiana’s economic future
The Port of New Orleans will play a considerable role in the regional economic landscape in 2020, says Port NOLA President Brandy Christian, as...
In case you missed it: Our five most popular reads from 2019
Can Louisiana handle $32 billion in construction projects from now through 2022? Who's joining the race for deepwater ports? Which Louisiana industrial service firms...
Toolbox Talks: 5 questions to drive change
New year, new you! You let things slide a little over the holidays and now it’s time to buckle down and start improving your...
Toolbox Talks: Using safety as a tool or a weapon?
I’m no anthropologist, but I imagine our ancestors didn’t make much of a distinction between tools and weapons. Their available resources were limited so...
Houma service companies are adapting to a new offshore reality
What started as a hobby for Shane Thibodeaux had become a small business success story by 2014. His boat engine service company, Bow2Stern Services...
Toolbox Talks: Is it a present or a problem?
There’s an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where the main character, Larry David, gives Ted Danson a shirt as a present. Ted notices there...