Maintenance plans help businesses weather the storm

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Hurricane season is here—and with it comes the threat of high winds, heavy rain and potential damage. Like homeowners, business owners should also be prepared to protect their property.

One solution is to have a maintenance agreement with a reputable landscaping firm. “It promotes safety and provides peace of mind,” says Paul Crocker, Maintenance Division Manager at Mullin. “This is especially important for all of our commercial clients, particularly for healthcare facilities, schools, and other businesses where public access is crucial after a storm.”

Tree Damage

Tree damage is a major concern among clients, says Crocker, for several reasons:

  • Winds from severe storms can easily snap dead or decaying branches.
  • Trees can be completely uprooted due to weak or unstable roots. Depending on their location, they can cause further damage to nearby buildings, vehicles and other structures.
  • Serious storms are often accompanied by lightning, which can not only damage a tree but also start fires or create a ground current that could be dangerous to anyone nearby.
  • Falling trees can take down power lines, causing electricity outages and creating a live electricity hazard.

Be Proactive

A maintenance agreement can prevent many of these risks. “To begin with, it gives clients access to our Account Managers, many of whom are Louisiana Licensed Arborists. They provide routine site audits on a frequent basis and can identify potential problems before they become dangerous,” says Crocker.

The agreement can also include pre-authorized cleanup services, which allows the Mullin team to respond immediately after a storm.

Mullin also serves industrial clients, adds Business Development Manager Kevin Schimpf. “Refineries and petrochemical plants are a vital part of our client base,” he says. “Their needs are very specific and they have strict guidelines regarding access and service to their facilities. We have the resources, the knowledge, and the proper certification to keep their facilities safe and accessible after a storm.”

Ask the Experts

Safety is always a top priority. If you believe you could benefit from a maintenance agreement for your company or organization, talk to the professionals. Visit or call 225.650.7387 for details.