A middle school STEM Day ignited a spark in ExxonMobil’s Davis

Regina Davis (Photo by Don Kadair)

Regina Davis was introduced to the world of engineering during a scheduled STEM Day at her middle school. It ignited a spark in her that would never burn out, reports 10/12 Industry Report in its latest issue.

“It put me on the path to becoming an engineer, even though at the time I didn’t really understand what an engineer did,” says Davis, who was appointed as ExxonMobil Baton Rouge’s refinery manager in September.

She would go on to earn a degree in chemical engineering at Louisiana Tech University as a first-generation college graduate, then land her first gig at ExxonMobil’s Chalmette Refining as a process contact engineer. While there, she would be promoted to roles of increasing responsibility, while also earning her MBA from the University of New Orleans. Read more.