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Toolbox Talks: Trust me when I say ‘you can’t trust me’

Near-miss reporting is incredibly valuable to an organization. It’s a chance to learn all the same lessons that an accident or event would teach...

Toolbox Talks: What is the right ratio?

You don’t need the scientific community to tell that more positivity in your life is a good thing. Whether you’re at home or at...

Toolbox Talks: ‘Human error’ and the downing of the Ukrainian airplane

About a month ago, we published an article titled Using Safety as a Tool or a Weapon? You can read about it by following...

Toolbox Talks: Chase perfection, but embrace improvement

Years ago, our company was brought in by a large, industrial client (we’ll call them ABC) to help them improve their safety culture. ABC...

Toolbox Talks: 5 questions to drive change

New year, new you! You let things slide a little over the holidays and now it’s time to buckle down and start improving your...

LCA names SAFE Awards honorees

The Louisiana Chemical Association has named the recipients of its Best in Louisiana SAFE Awards that are given to chemical plants that exhibit employee...

Toolbox Talks: Using safety as a tool or a weapon?

I’m no anthropologist, but I imagine our ancestors didn’t make much of a distinction between tools and weapons. Their available resources were limited so...

Toolbox Talks: Is it a present or a problem?

There’s an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where the main character, Larry David, gives Ted Danson a shirt as a present. Ted notices there...

Contractors must now evaluate and document crane operator readiness

There’s a certain vagueness in a new Occupational Safety and Health Administration rule that outlines requirements for crane operators, but one thing is clear:...

Toolbox Talks: 15 tips for Thanksgiving turkey frying safety

  According to the National Fire Protection Association: deep fryer fires cause an average of 5 deaths, 60 injuries, and more than $15 million in...

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