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Sophisticated software and an abundance of data allow owners to ‘educate’ their processes

The new era of “smart manufacturing” has arrived along Louisiana’s industrial corridor. In increasingly greater numbers, the industrial community is turning to digital processes,...

The big picture: The giant of the Gulf

HALFWAY AROUND THE WORLD In October, Ingleside, Texas, welcomed the hull of Shell’s Appomattox production platform, floating aboard a massive heavy-transport vessel, after its journey...

The South Louisiana Economic Council stays ahead of the curve during the oil slump...

Unlike a lot of economic development groups, the South Louisiana Economic Council is more about business retention than attraction these days. Given the post-2014...

Editor’s take: Looking into the future of energy

The troublesome ripple effects that new brands of renewable energy might have on oil and gas weigh heavily on Louisiana’s younger generation, as indicated...

The end of the car as we know it

The world’s biggest oil producers are starting to take electric vehicles seriously as a long-term threat, Bloomberg noted in July. OPEC quintupled its forecast for...

Insight: A summer of discontent

Summer weather forecasts in south Louisiana are often not very difficult to predict: “hot, humid, with a high probability of afternoon thunderstorms.” The same...

What’s being done to combat cyber threats targeting the petrochemical, oil and gas industries?

The headlines are worrisome and increasingly frequent. Time and again, the business community is successfully targeted by enterprising cyber profiteers who hack into corporate...

Building ‘a rig’ to save the coast

THE IDEA: A Baton Rouge-based nonprofit called the Restoration Initiative in the Gulf (RIG) Foundation has gone public with a unique new coastal restoration...

As cost overruns plague Gulf Coast projects, owners look for answers

Anyone in industry will tell you cost overruns are the norm rather than the exception in the dynamic world of refinery and chemical plant...

Insight: Low-cost hydrocarbons continue to benefit the Gulf Coast

Recent announcements by ExxonMobil and Wanhua Chemical Group prove that the Gulf Coast region, and Louisiana in particular, continues to be an attractive location...

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