Delivering millions of dollars worth of disaster recovery cargo to the most remote, typhoon-ravaged islands of Micronesia might sound like a swashbuckling, Treasure Island-esque task, but for Dom Peré, it was just another day at work.
As founder and co-owner of the Baton Rouge-based Marex Services Group, Peré manages the logistics of delivering cargo—chemicals downstream, oil and gas upstream, heavy equipment, or food and beverages—from one port to another throughout the world. It’s among an array of services the maritime logistics company offers to clients largely in the petrochemical and industrial sectors.
The company also marks the oldest in a trio of entrepreneurial ventures by Peré, and the only one he still owns. Earlier this year, he left the other two, selling his interest in Fila-Mar Energy Services (a first-mile proppant logistics provider) to a private investor, while selling PropDispatch (a last-mile proppant logistics provider) to a publicly traded Houston company, both in an effort to fully focus on Marex (which incorporates all parts of the supply chain).
His interest in the seemingly niche proppant logistics trade stems from six formative years spent working in the Middle East. As a recent LSU graduate in 2003, Peré impressed executives at The Shaw Group enough to eventually migrate from the mail room to an airplane bound for Dubai, where he’d work for three years in business development before joining a global yachting company. While living there, he learned how materials are transported, mastering an understanding of the process.
Since Marex formed in 2011, it has forged a presence in the petrochemical-rich Baton Rouge market, recently moving into a nautically inspired Downtown East headquarters.